RI:SE - Season 2 Episode 71 show #241
Overview: RI:SE is now back to its normal time. 6:55 - 9:00. The show started with Kate and Iain messing around at the reception sink. The office paper review is now back, but not with Rik, just Iain and Kate. Dates Kates Mates was back this week and Rosie was set up with Danny. MEL:SUE INTRO Sue: (to audience member) If you use the right cream it should clean up. Mel: Guntan Morngong Sue: Thank you very much to Zora their for the news. Mel: Feeling like a 1970's music/playaway show this morning Sue: Its very kids TV presenter [mel and sue start rock left and right pretending to be playing the guitar] Its hay gang were much older then you! sing along to this one!. Mel: were sitting on the cubes